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OCA laminating machine repair LCD screen aging

OCA laminating machine repair LCD screen aging


OCA laminating machine in the current electronic industry can be said to do the mobile phone industry is

relatively to understand the repair of mobile phone burst screen professional equipment, which is not the

brand of mobile phone touch screen, basically can be repaired.

So what happens when we use the OCA fitting machine to repair the phone's burst screen when we are

most common to the mobile phone screen? The main is the explosive cover, which is the top of the mobile

phone protection glass. In the past, the general phone fell to get the repair shop is directly to the

LCD assembly replaced, so a lot of it is just burst at the top of the mobile phone protective glass.

Now we are also the most common is when the phone off the ground is a burst of glass to protect the glass.

So, this time we only need to use the mobile phone to protect the glass screen OCA press.

OCA laminating machine

TAG:  OCA laminating machine defoam machine
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